Clinic Services

Occupational Therapy

Our pediatric occupational therapy services are dedicated to enhancing the well-being and development of children. With a child-centric approach, our experienced therapists provide expert care and support to help children overcome challenges related to sensory processing, fine motor skills, handwriting, and more. We focus on empowering each child to achieve their full potential, fostering independence and confidence for a brighter future.

Speech-language Therapy

Our pediatric speech-language services are tailored to help children develop essential communication skills. Our dedicated team of specialists provides expert care, addressing speech and language challenges, articulation, fluency, and more. We work closely with children and their families to promote effective communication, empowering children to express themselves and connect with the world around them.

Craniosacral/Fascial Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy (CST), is a gentle and non-invasive form of bodywork that focuses on the craniosacral system, which includes the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. Likewise, Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT) helps release tension and promote natural healing within the body by addressing the craniosacral system and fascial restrictions.

“Original and with an innate understanding of their customer’s needs, the team at Love Nature are always a pleasure to work with.”

Jane Miller



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Whether you’re interested in receiving services, opportunities for partnership, or participating in training, we’re here to answer any questions.